【战争雷霆】“火与冰”版本测试服内容解包-神之手漫画 -> 

New air vehicles

A-6E TRAM (text only)

A-20G-30 (model only)


Bf-109G-2 finland

Bf-109G-6 finland


D.XXI Series 3


Hurricane Mk. I/l

Ju 88A-4 finland

MiG-21bis finland


T-2 Early

Recon Micro 360

Vampire FB.52A finland

New ground vehicles



Sd.Kfz. 251/9


ZSU-23-4 israel

ZSU-57-2 israel


TKX prototype

Comet Mk. I finland

Charioteer Mk. 7 finland

Leopard 2A4 finland

Leopard 2A6 finland

PT-76B finland

Pz.Kpfw. IV J finland

T-28 finland

T-34 1941 finland

T-34-85 (ZiS-S-53) finland

T-54 1951 finland

T-72M1 finland

T-80U finland

ZSU-57-2 finland

Churchill Crocodile

Churchill Crocodile Trailer



New naval vehicles


Folaga (model only)

IJN Fusō

HMS Glorious

HMS Diana (model only)

USS Frank Knox


One new WorldWar loading screen : “Luzon 1941”

Layer sensitivity changed for two WW loading screen (How much a layer moves according to your mouse)

Chinese Farm


New collections :

Submachine Gun, contain : PPS, MP40, Sten, Thompson

Reward for completing it : Austen Mk1

New parameter for DamageModelHits : outlinesResolutionScaleForShips = 2.0

Artillery doesn’t produce explosion when hitting Dirt, Sand or Snow

Smoke Shell seems to produce an explosion now.

New and changed parameters for Gameparams :

name = explosion_ship_big

terraformMinPenetration = 20.0

minRadius : 0.04 -> 0.02

explosionRadiusMult = 0.3

mininmumRadiusForShrapnel : 0.15 -> 0.01 //not a typo

minRadiusForBulletHoles : 0.01 -> [0.02, 0.0]

Removed splashRadiusMult

multForBulletHolesRadius : 3.0 -> 0.7

minCaliberForBulletHoles : 0.012 -> 0.014

multForBurnRadius = 1.0

minBurnRadius = 0.01

maxBurnRadius = 0.5

maxRadiusForBulletHoles = 1.0

multForRadiusDiffMark = 1.3

minRadiusDiffMark = 0.0

maxRadiusDiffMark = 10.0

multForRadiusShrapnelDecal = 3.5

minRadiusShrapnelDecal = 0.25

maxRadiusShrapnelDecal = 10.0

multForRadiusBulletDiffMark = 0.3

minRadiusBulletDiffMark = 0.0

maxRadiusBulletDiffMark = 10.0

shrapnelDecalsSize : 1.2 -> 1.0

defaultAirCannonsSpeedDispersion = 0.025

defaultTankCannonsSpeedDispersion = 0.0

enableBotTorpedoShooting = True

torpedoShootByBotMaxDistance = 7500

preventBotsLeavingBattleArea = True

wheelFireFxName = “tank_fire_track”

wheelFireTimers = [7.0, 3.0]

duplicatedTime : 30 -> 10

chatMessagesTime : 30 -> 10

holeRenderingRadius parameters changes :

New terraform parameter change :

New prefetchEffects parameter change :

gameplay parameter changes

yawOffsetMult = 30.0

pitchKi = 0.01

pitchKd = 0.01

pitchMax = 15.0

Av_8c : loadout changed from countermeasures to 2x 1000 lbs bombs

killStreaksUnits/bomber :

New orbit param (for drone loitering)

Japanese and Swedish helis now use their own “research done” images :



Japanese and Swedish helis now use their own “New Modification” images :



Added damageable assets of the new arctic map.

New engine sound for the Z19

New attachables :

placeholder image only, sorry


Austen Mk1

Cake Anniversary (probably for their anniversary)

New tank belt (currently just a “belt” of their “not belt” ammo) : (copy-paste of non-belt variants)



HE frag

Projectile change :

AP : now use the “AP belt” animation

AP-I : now use the “AP belt” animation instead of “AP”

AP-I-T : now use the “AP belt” animation instead of “AP”

APC-T : now use the “AP belt” animation instead of “AP”

APCR : now use the “APCR belt” animation

APCR-T : now use the “APCR belt” animation instead of “APCR”

APHE : now use the “APHE belt” animation instead of “APHE”

Frag- I: now use the “HE belt” animation

Frag-I-T : now use the “HE belt” animation instead of “HE”

HE : now use the “HE belt” animation

HE-Frag-I-T : now use the “HE belt” animation instead of “HE”

HE-I : now use the “HE belt” animation

HE-I Mine : now use the “HE belt” animation

HE-I-T : now use the “HE belt” animation instead of “HE”

HE-I-T Mine : now use the “HE belt” animation instead of “HE”

SAPI : now use the “SAP” animation instead of “APHE”

New armor type : ERA ARAT

armorThickness = 1.0

armorThrough = 1.0

restrainDamage = 0.5

createSecondaryShatters = False

hidableInViewer = True

hidableInXrayViewer = True

ricochetAngle = 70.0

ricochetCosinePower = 3.0

ricochetDamage = 0.95

cumulativeArmorQuality = 2.75

genericArmorQuality = 0.1

genericDamageMult = 0.8

cumulativeDamageMult = 2.1

explosionArmorQuality = 0.1

explosionDamageMult = 5.0

tandemPrechargeArmorQuality = 0.33

explosiveFormedProjectileArmorQuality = 0.5

Parameters removed for Ship wood :






There’s now a big array of value for a variable that was before empty : explosiveMassToExplosiveRadius

FM changes (MaxDV is max viscous drag)

A129-A, A129-CBT, A129-Int, T-129 Atak :

AileronMaxDV : 100 -> 10

ElevatorMaxDV : 65 -> 10

RudderMaxDV : 60 -> 10

Engine Inertia : 1.001 -> 2.501

Propeller Inertia : 1.5 -> 0.5

Propeller Oswald's Efficiency Number : 1.85 -> 0.85

A129-A, A129-Int, T-129 Atak : (A129-A is hidden premium, Int is unused)

Engine Max RPM : 7600 -> 8900

A129-CBT :

Engine Max RPM : 7600 -> 8100

AH 2 Rooivalk :

Engine Max RPM : 26000 -> 29000

AH-64 (All), AH Mk1, AHS :

AileronMaxDV : 40-> 8

ElevatorMaxDV : 40-> 8

RudderMaxDV : 30-> 8

Engine Inertia : 1.001 -> 2.001

Propeller Inertia : 1.0 -> 0.4

Mirage 3C, Mirage 3E:

Booster is no longer external

FuelAccumulatorCapacity1 : 0.0 -> 50.0

Loadouts changes :

A-4B : Zuni removed from loadouts and modifications. (it’ll get custom loadouts)

A 109 EOA-2, AH-1S, AH-1Z, BO-105, G-Lynx, HKP9A (FC), Lynx AH Mk1, MD500-TOW, UH-1C : TOW visual model changed

AV-8A, AV-8C, Buccaneer S1 and S2, F-105D, Harrier GR1 and GR3, Vautour 2A (all), Vautour 2B : Added custom loadouts

Canberra B (I) Mk6 : Outer bombs are now considered external

G.91 (all) : Bombs are now dropped separately

Ki 67: Now have access to 800 kg Mod80 Mk1 bomb

Mi 24V : Have 80 S-8KO now instead of 79 in the 4x9M114 + S-8KO loadout

French Vautour 2N : Removed all loadouts, except Countermeasure one (not selectable) (it’ll get custom loadouts)

DM changes

F-14 : Selecting the 7E-2 on slot 2, 3, 4 or 5 prevents carrying any kind of 7F on slot 2, 3, 4 and 5

Israel F-4E : Selecting Aim-9D or 9G on slot 5 or 7 prevents carrying 2 BLU 27 on slot 6

Phantom FG. 1, Phantom FGR. 2, Harrier GR3, Jaguar GR1A : RWR changed from AN APR 25 to ARI 18228

Harrier GR7:

RWR changed from AN ALR 67 to ARI 23333

Bombs changed from 500lb to 540lb

Carrying the TIALD pod doesn’t remove the guns anymore

Jaguar A: Now uses the ATLIS II pod instead of the TIALD

Jaguar E :

Targeting pod now generates drag

Ripping point of wings changed

Ka-50 : Jettisoning the Vikhr launchers didn’t drop the missiles, fixed

Ka-52 : Icon for 6 ATGM pod changed from 8 to 6 missiles (loadout icon change only)

Kfir C.7 : New preset with 4 Shafrir 2

Ki-61-II Early, Ki-100-II, Ki-100 Early :

Cannons ammo : 250 -> 200

MG ammo : 200 -> 250

Ki-67-I (Both):

Rank IV

On the left of the 14 in mod 30

Horizontal limit : -60° to 60° -> -180° to 180°

Vertical limit : -60° to 60° -> -10° to 30°

Horizontal limit : -60° to 60° -> -180° to 180°

Vertical limit : -60° to 60° -> 0° to 25°

Nose turret

Dorsal turret : Vertical limit : -20° -> -25°

Tail turret :

New modification : 14 in mod 35 800kg bomb

Ki-109 : Tail turret :

Horizontal limit : -60° to 60° -> -180° to 180°

Vertical limit : -60° to 60° -> -10° to 30°

Mi-24P (All) : now have CCIP for bombs

MiG-23BN :

CCRP fixed

Cockpit changed

PBY-5 (All) :

Horizontal limit : 5° to 125° -> 0° to 130°

Vertical limit : -10° to 60° -> -80° to 80°

Nose turret Vertical limit : -10° to 70° -> -30° to 90°

Side turret (the right turret has inverted horizontal values):

Po-2 (all but event gamemode one) : Max custom loadout weapon load : 300 -> 307 kg

Scimitar : The hook now weight 2.5 kg

Su-17M2 : Cockpit changes :

sightInFov = 50.5

sightOutFov = 40.5

sightFov = 1.0

Optic turret added on slot 0

Added a laser sight for the targeting pod

Su-17M4 :

Cannot carry the Kh-23M anymore

Max custom loadout load : 4100 -> 4160.0

Max custom loadout left load : 2000 -> 2100.0

Max custom loadout right load : 2000 -> 2100.0

Removed Kh-23M Modification

Su-25 (All) :

Horizontal limit : -20° to 20° -> -12° to 12°

Vertical limit : -20° to 20° -> -30° to 6°

Targeting pod :

Orion :

Sight fixed

No longer have a Mach limit for launching missiles

Recon Micro :

Horizontal limit : -89.5° to 89.5° -> full 360°

Vertical limit : -89.5° to 89.5° -> -80° to 15°

Every part’s HP lowered, except the elevons

Camera :

UH-1B, UH-1C (all) : grenade launcher weight : 105.7 -> 152 kg

Z-9W, Z-9WA, Z-10: Engine sound : SA 313B -> Z19


Rocket pod weight 0.01 -> 50 kg

Rocket pod drag 0.01 -> 0.0003

Type 23 cannon weight : 90 -> 55 kg

Z-10 :

Rocket pod weight : 0.01 -> 38 kg

Rocket pod drag : 0.01 -> 0.005

Type 23 cannon weight : 130 -> 42.25 kg

Rocket pod weight : 0.01 -> 50 kg

Rocket pod drag : 0.01 -> 0.0003

Type 57 rockets:

FS-70 rockets:

Z-19 (all) : Engine sound : AH1 -> Z19


Apply for a lot of ships, maybe all those who have torpedoes : Some torpedoes are now “stocks” (maybe stocked ?)

All ships except a handful : genericDamageMult parameter for Funnel 0.3 -> 0.15

Motor Torpedo Boats

DamageParts/control_compartments/stopChanceOnDeadPart : 0.5 -> 0.75

DamageParts/control_compartments/pressureDamageMult 5.0 -> 2.0

DamageParts/control_compartments/pressureDamageMult = 4.0

stopChanceOnDeadPart : 0.5 -> 0.75

DamageParts/compartments/pressureDamageMult = 2.0

They can now be overpressured

Compartments :

Bridge :

AF D1, AF D3 :

Compartment and bridge overpressure damage multiplier is now 2.5

Compartments can now be overpressured

Ostfriesland : added shell ejection to primary turrets

KM5, Attilio Regolo : Some torpedoes are no longer autoloaded

New skin for the Mohawk

Alaska : HP and Armor changes

Mikhail Kutuzov : Fire Direction :

targetLockTime 6 -> 18.0 sec

calcTime = 3 -> 10.0 sec

rotationSpeed 20 -> 6.0 m/s

Frunze, Kerch : second main gun horizontal limit : -112° to 112° -> -170° to 170°


Vehicle to which this modification apply : UAV Modification additional repair cost modifier : 0.92 -> 1




AMX-13 (HOT)

SK-105 (All)

TAM-2 (All)

Centauro (All but the VRCC)



VCC 80 (All)

Type 89


Rooikat 76 and 105



M3A3 Bradley







BMP-2 (All)


Object 685

Type 69-2A : Added 11 plates and a log with 250 HP and of 100 mm












ZTZ88A : New grille for the turret with 300 HP


ARL-44 : Thickness : 60 -> 50 mm


ARL-44 (ACL-1) : Thickness : 25-> 30 mm


CCKW 353 (Bofors) : Thickness : 3 -> 25 mm


Added a “Gun stell”, 100 HP, 10 mm thickness :


R 39 :

Thickness : 10 -> 25 mm



1 armor plate moved from “hull” to “body shields”, armorClass RHA -> Structural Steel


Smoke grenade per salvo : 2 -> 4

5 mm spall shield can now be seen in X-Ray

Leopard 2A6 :

Empty mass : 58600 -> 58400 kg

Full mass : 60100 -> 59900 kg

M48A2GA2 :

Machine guns horizontal and vertical speed drastically increased

Bfw. Jagdpanther

New model

Ammo : 60 -> 39

Neutral turning nerfed

Jagdpanther : Neutral turning nerfed

E 100, Maus : New commander view : FOV : 7.47 to 7.37 (standard 10x zoom)

E 100 : Optic part with 20 hp and of 3 mm removed

Pz III Ausf J :

Thickness 10 -> 57 mm

VariableThickness = True


Sd.Kfz. 251/22 : Track thickness : 7 -> 15 mm



Magach 6C :

Thickness 30 -> 20 mm


Merkava Mk2B Early, Merkava Mk2B late (us only) :

VariableThickness = True


4 new armor plates





Merkava Mk2D : 2 new armor plates



Merkava Mk3B (All), Merkava Mk3C : 2 new armor plate



L6/40, L6/40 “Leone”, 47/32 L40 : New suspension

STA-1 : The roof MG sight is no longer rotated 90° (2 and a half year old bug at least)

Type 87 (SPAA)

Commander’s secondary gunner controls fixed

Added commander view

Ro-Gō :

thickness : 30 -> 25 mm


thickness : 13 -> 12 mm


Type 98 Ta-Se : Thickness 150 -> 15 mm


Pbv 302 (Rb 56) : Shell Ejection animation speed up

Challenger 1 Mk3 : Order of ammo consumption changed

Challenger 1 Mk3 Gulf :

Reverse Fill = False

Order of consumption changed

Crusader (All) : 18 mm RHA removed from front of the driver’s optic

Ystervark Spaa : Vertical speed of animation of the turret : 1 -> 0.5 (Handles in gunner’s hands)


Thickness : = 12.7 mm

Armor Class : Aluminum -> RHA


Thickness : = 38.1 -> 12.7 mm

Armor Class = Aluminum -> CHA



Now has a two plane stab for the stinger launcher

Can now take multiple Stinger variants to battle at the same time

M1, IPM1 : It’s now possible to put decorations on the turret rear

M3A3 Stuart (All), M3A1 (All) : Thickness : 50.8 -> 38.1 mm


M36B2 (all) :

Thickness : 10 -> 4 mm

Armor Class RHA -> Structural steel



M48 (all variant), Magach 1, Magach 2 :

Armor Class : RHA -> CHA



T26E5 : hull MG part removed

T54E1 :

Armor Class RHA -> CHA


Thickness : 64 -> 70 mm


XM8 : New armor part







Thickness 6 -> 10 mm, turret to body shield, RHA -> Structural steel



Thickness 15 -> 10 mm, turret to body shield, RHA -> Structural steel


Thickness 10 -> 4 mm


IS-2 1943 (All), IS-1 : New model

Object 248 : A plate now have the tag “Ignore Solid Dimension”


T-34-85 Zis 53, Type 58, : Body shields armor class : RHA -> Structural steel

T-80U :

External Turret ERA HP : 250 -> 750

T 90A : It’s now possible to put decorations on the turret ERA



SC50 :

Distance from center of mass to stabilizers : 0.1 -> 1.1

New parameter : WdK = [0.5, 3.5, 3.5]

KAB-50L, KAB-50TV :

Max fin Horizontal angle of attack : 16.2° -> 13.5°

Max fin Vertical angle of attack : 16.2° -> 13.5°

loftElevation : 2.0 -> 0

loftAngleToAccelMult : 1.0 -> 1.5

Base IAS : 1200.0 -> 800.0 m/s

omegaToAccelMult : 2.5 -> 3.0

Max G-load : 3.0 -> 2.0

PID proportional term : 0.05 -> 0.02

PID integral term : 0.005 -> 0.3

PID integral term limit : 0.1 -> 0.85

PID derivative term : 0.01 -> 0.0075

Now use their own model

Distance from center of mass to stabilizers : 0.1 -> 0.125

Drag coefficient : 0.8 -> 1.25

WdK parameter removed

Wing area multiplier : 2.0 -> 2.75

Guidance Autopilot changes :

ArcadeProp change :

KAB-50L :

inertialNavigationDriftSpeed parameter removed

Laser seeker FOV : 20 -> 40

Guidance Autopilot : loftTargetElevation : -20.0 -> -70.0

KAB-50TV :

Lock-on range (vehicle) : 20000.0 -> 18000.0

Lock-on range (surface) : 40000.0 -> 6000.0

Max lock angle before launch : 30.0 -> 80.0

Gimbal limit : 60° -> 65°

breakLockMaxTime parameter removed

IR seeker changes :

Guidance Autopilot : loftTargetElevation : -20.0 -> -60.0

2000lb GBU 24 : Statcard guidance : TV -> Laser (it was already laser guided)

Rocket/missile containers

All TOW launcher : TOW visual model changed

12 SNEB Type 23 rocket pod : mass : 16 -> 43 kg

22 SNEB Type 23 rocket pod : mass : 28 -> 65 kg

Ground guns

5.56 mm MG4, 6.5 mm ksp m/14-29, 6.5 mm Type 91, 7.5 mm AAT 52, 7.5 mm MAC 31 : Tracer Hit Power multiplier : 2.8 -> 2.9

5.8 mm QJT, 7.62 mm AAN-F1N, 7.62 mm Beretta MG 42/59, 7.62 mm Browning MG4, 7.62 mm C6, 7.62 mm FN MAG 60-40, 7.62 mm ksp 39C, 7.62 mm ksp 58, 7.62 mm ksp 94, 7.62 mm L3A1, 7.62 mm L8A1, 7.62 mm L8A2, 7.62 mm L37A1, 7.62 mm L37A2, 7.62 mm L94A1, 7.62 mm M37, 7.62 mm M60D, 7.62 mm M73, 7.62 mm M240, 7.62 mm M1919A4, 7.62 mm MG3A1, 7.62 mm Type 74, :

Mass : 0.0108 -> 0.01073718 kg

Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 13 mm at 10 m


Tracer : Mass : 0.0095 -> 0.009849433 kg

7.5 mm AAT 52, 7.5 mm MAC 31, 7.7 mm Type 97 : AP Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 13 mm at 10 m

7.7 mm Type 97 :

All bullets max distance : 2500 -> 2000 m

Tracer Hit Power multiplier : 2.7 -> 2.9

7.7 mm Vickers K :

All bullets max distance : 2500 -> 2000 m

I-Tracer : Hit Power multiplier : 0.1 -> 2.5

AP Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 13 mm at 10 m

7.62 mm DT, 7.62 mm PKT, 7.62 mm RP46, 7.62 mm SGMT, 7.62 mm Type 86 :

Mass : 0.0102 -> 0.0091 kg

Speed : 815.0 -> 865.0 m/s

Drag coef : 0.3151 -> 0.35262

Mass : 0.0099 -> 0.00995 kg

Speed : 815.0 -> 817.5 m/s

Drag coef : 0.3151 -> 0.35262

Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 13 mm at 10 m

AP-I :

AP-I-T :

7.62 mm Maxim :

Mass : 0.0102 -> 0.0091 kg

Speed : 815.0 -> 865.0 m/s

Drag coef : 0.3151 -> 0.35262

Mass : 0.0094 -> 0.00955 kg

Speed : 825.0 -> 815.0 m/s

Drag coef : 0.3151 -> 0.35262

Mass : 0.0099 -> 0.00995 kg

Speed : 815.0 -> 817.5 m/s

Drag coef : 0.3151 -> 0.35262

Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 13 mm at 10 m

Mass : 0.0097 -> 0.1002 kg

Speed : 800.0 -> 815.0 m/s

Drag coef : 0.3151 -> 0.35262

HE :

AP-I :

Tracer :

AP-I-T :

7.92 mm Besa AA :

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier = 1.5

Effective distance = 400 m

Relative Velocity Armor Shift = [200, 1000]

Hit Power multiplier = 2.9

Penetration : 8 mm at 10 m -> 5 mm at 5 m

Effective distance = 400 m

Hit Power multiplier = 2.9

Penetration : 8 mm at 10 m -> 5 mm at 5 m

Ball :

Tracer :

I-T : Hit Power multiplier = 2.9

AP : Effective distance = 400 m

7.92 mm Besa, 7.92 MG13 Dreyse :

Max distance : 2500 -> 2000 m

Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 9 mm at 10 m

Max distance : 2500 -> 2000 m

Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 13 mm at 10 m

AP-I :

AP-T :

7.92 mm MG34, 7.92 mm MG37(t), 7.92 mm MG42, :

Max distance : 2500 -> 2000 m

Relative Velocity Armor Shift = [200, 1000]

Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 9 mm at 10 m

Max distance : 2500 -> 2000 m

Relative Velocity Armor Shift = [200, 1000]

AP :


8mm Breda mod 37, 8mm Breda mod 38, 8 mm 34/40M, 8 mm ksp m/36 :

Hit Power multiplier removed

Penetration : 3.5 mm at 5 m -> 9 mm at 10 m

AP-I-T :

AP Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 13 mm at 10 m

3rd bullet changed from I-T to I : Hit Power multiplier : 0.1 -> 2.5

8 mm ksp m/39 :

I-T -> T

Mass : 0.0127 -> 0.0091 kg

Caliber : 7.7 -> 7.62 mm

Speed 790 -> 815 m/s

Drag coef : ~0.35 -> 0.4

Hit Power multiplier : 0.1 -> 2.9

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 5 -> 1.5

Penetration : 3.5 mm at 5 m -> 5 mm at 5 m

Mass : 0.0125 -> 0.0095 kg

Caliber : 8 -> 7.62 mm

Speed : 720 -> 830 m/s

Drag coef : ~0.35 -> 0.4

Penetration : 10 mm at 10 m -> 13 mm at 10 m

AP-I-T -> AP

Mass : 0.013 -> 0.0095 kg

Caliber : 8 -> 7.62 mm

Speed 790 -> 830 m/s

Drag coef : ~0.35 -> 0.4

Hit Power multiplier removed

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier removed

Penetration : 3.5 mm at 5 m -> 13 mm at 10 m

Belt : AP-I-T / AP / I-T -> AP / AP / T

1st bullet :

AP :

3rd bullet :

12.7 mm 6P50 Kord-T :

Type : APCR-I -> APCR-I-BS41

Mass : 0.0482 -> 0.0538 kg

Speed : 815 -> 850 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 29mm at 10 m -> 31 mm at 0 m

Removed Relative Velocity Armor Shift

Mass : 0.041 -> 0.04425 kg

Speed : 850 -> 860 m/s

Drag coef : 0.41 -> 0.409

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Explosive Type = Petn

Explosive mass = 0.0019 kg

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier = 2.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Hit Power multiplier : 1.0 -> 3.0

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 3.3 mm at 10 m

Mass : 0.0437 -> 0.0456 kg

Speed : 850 -> 865 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 22 mm at 10 m -> 29 mm at 0 m

AP-I-T :

HE-I :

4th bullet :

12.7 mm DK :

Type : APCR-I -> APCR-I-BS41

Mass : 0.0482 -> 0.0538 kg

Speed : 815 -> 850 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 29mm at 10 m -> 31 mm at 0 m

Removed Relative Velocity Armor Shift

Mass : 0.0437 -> 0.0456 kg

Speed : 850 -> 865 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 22 mm at 10 m -> 29 mm at 0 m

Mass : 0.041 -> 0.04425 kg

Speed : 850 -> 860 m/s

Drag coef : 0.41 -> 0.409

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Explosive Type = Petn

Explosive mass = 0.0019 kg

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier = 2.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Hit Power multiplier : 1.0 -> 3.0

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 3.3 mm at 10 m

Mass : 0.0482 -> 0.0495 kg

Speed : 815 -> 820 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 29mm at 10 m -> 29 mm at 0 m

AP-I :

HE-I :

AP-I-T :

4th bullet :

12.7 mm DShK (GAZ AAA) :

Mass : 0.0437 -> 0.0456 kg

Speed : 850 -> 865 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 22 mm at 10 m -> 29 mm at 0 m

Mass : 0.0438 -> 0.044 kg

Speed : 850 -> 860 m/s

Drag coef : 0.41 -> 0.34135

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Relative Velocity Armor Shift = [200, 1000]

Mass : 0.041 -> 0.04425 kg

Speed : 850 -> 860 m/s

Drag coef : 0.41 -> 0.409

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Explosive Type = Petn

Explosive mass = 0.0019 kg

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier = 2.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Hit Power multiplier : 1.0 -> 3.0

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 3.3 mm at 10 m

Mass : 0.0482 -> 0.0495 kg

Speed : 815 -> 820 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 29mm at 10 m -> 29 mm at 0 m

Mass : 0.0482 -> 0.0538 kg

Speed : 815 -> 850 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 29mm at 10 m -> 31 mm at 0 m

Removed Relative Velocity Armor Shift

All Belts : Replaced APCR-I by APCR-I-BS41

APCR-I-BS41 (compared to APCR-I)


HE-I :

Tracer :

AP-I-T :

12.7 mm DShK (roof MG), 12.7 mm NSVT, 12.7 mm QJC88A :

Mass : 0.0482 -> 0.0538 kg

Speed : 815 -> 850 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 29 mm at 10 m -> 31 mm at 0 m

Removed Relative Velocity Armor Shift

Mass : 0.041 -> 0.04425 kg

Speed : 850 -> 860 m/s

Drag coef : 0.41 -> 0.409

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Explosive Type = Petn

Explosive mass = 0.0019 kg

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier = 2.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Hit Power multiplier : 1.0 -> 3.0

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 3.3 mm at 10 m

Mass : 0.0437 -> 0.0456 kg

Speed : 850 -> 865 m/s

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 22 mm at 10 m -> 29 mm at 0 m

Belts : Replaced APCR-I by APCR-I-BS41

AP-I-T :

HE-I :

APCR-I-BS41 (compared to APCR-I) :

12.7 mm ksp 88, 12.7 mm M2 HB, 12.7 mm M3P :

Mass : 0.0403 -> 0.040304918 kg

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Relative Velocity Armor Shift removed

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 23 mm at 10 m -> 30 mm at 0 m

Mass : 0.046 -> 0.045877624 kg

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Relative Velocity Armor Shift removed

Mass : 0.041 -> 0.041017707 kg

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier = 8.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Hit Power multiplier : 1.0 -> 4.0

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 7 mm at 10 m

Mass : 0.0403 -> 0.03965693 kg

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Hit Power multiplier removed

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

AP-I-T M20 :

I M1 :

AP M2 :

AP-I M8 :

12.7 mm L21A1 :

HE-I changed to HE

HE (compared to HE-I) : Hit Power multiplier : 0.3 -> 6.0

12.7 mm M3P : bug which led to the ammo not showing up in the ammo counter at the bottom in battle and in the modification screen fixed.

12.7 mm M80 :

Max distance : 2000 -> 3400 m

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 1.2 -> 8.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Hit Power multiplier : 1.0 -> 4.0

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 7 mm at 10 m

HE-I changed to HE

HE (compared to HE-I) :

12.7 mm M85 :

Mass : 0.0403 -> 0.040304918 kg

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Relative Velocity Armor Shift removed

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 23 mm at 10 m -> 30 mm at 0 m

Mass : 0.046 -> 0.045877624 kg

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Relative Velocity Armor Shift removed

Mass : 0.0403 -> 0.03965693 kg

Max distance : 3000 -> 3400 m

Hit Power multiplier removed

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Penetration : 30 mm at 0 m -> 29 mm at 0 m

AP-I-T M20 :

AP M2 :

AP-I M8 :

12.7 mm Type 60B :

Mass : 0.054431 -> 0.053329498 kg

Max distance : 2000 -> 3400 m

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 2.0 -> 8.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Hit Power multiplier : 2.0 -> 4.0

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 7 mm at 10 m

HE-I changed to HE

HE (compared to HE-I) :

13.2 mm Breda Mod 31, 13.2 mm Hotchkiss Model 1930 :

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier removed

Hit Power multiplier removed

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Relative Velocity Armor Shift removed

AP changed to AP M2

AP M2 (compared to AP), AP-T :

14.5 mm KPVT (BTR-152A) :

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 8.0 -> 10.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 31 mm at 10 m -> 40 mm at 0 m

Explosive Type = Petn

Explosive mass = 0.002 kg

Hit Power multiplier : 1.0 -> 3.0

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 3.0 -> 2.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 3.5 mm at 5 m

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 6.5 -> 10.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 45 mm at 10 m -> 38 mm at 0 m

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier removed

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 27 mm at 10 m -> 38 mm at 0 m

AP-I-T :



AP-I :

14.5 mm KPVT :

Explosive Type = Petn

Explosive mass = 0.002 kg

Hit Power multiplier : 1.0 -> 3.0

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 3.0 -> 2.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Penetration : 2 mm at 10 m -> 3.5 mm at 5 m

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 6.5 -> 10.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 45 mm at 10 m -> 38 mm at 0 m

On Hit Fire Chance multiplier : 0.7 -> 10.0

Effective Distance = 3000 m

Relative Velocity Hit Shift : [300, 1000] -> [300, 3000]

Now use Demarre equation

Penetration : 27 mm at 10 m -> 38 mm at 0 m

AP-I-T :



15 mm MG151 (Sd.Kfz. 251/21) : APCR-T changed to APCR

20 mm GAI-CO1, 20 mm GI-2, 20 mm Oerlikon KAD : HE Frag I changed to HE Frag I-T

30 mm 2A38, 30 mm 2A42, 30 mm 2A72 (All) :

Drag coef : 0.3 -> 0.29841

Max distance : 7000 -> 7200 m

Drag coef : 0.25 -> 0.25687

Max distance : 7000 -> 7760 m

AP-T :

HE Frag I, HE Frag T :

30 mm AG30 :

Explosive mass : 0.036 -> 0.042 kg

Max distance : 7000 -> 5000 m

40 mm M266 : DynamicKv parameter removed for HE Frag I

57 mm Bofors l70 Mk1 :

DynamicKv parameter removed for SAPCBC

HE Frag : splashFallBySquare = True

70 mm FIM 92E Stinger Launcher (All) :

Uncaged Before Launch : False -> True

76 mm 1902/30, 76 mm F32, 76 mm F34, 76 mm F96, 76 mm KT28 (All), 76 mm L10, 76 mm L11 (All), 76 mm Zis3, 76 mm Zis5 : DynamicKv parameter removed for Shrapnel

76 mm Oto Breda 76/62 : DynamicKv parameter removed for SAP-HEI

100 mm 2A70 :

HE Frag : Drag coef : 0.3 -> 0.21205

Only for the 3OF70 : max distance : 10000 -> 15600 m

105 mm K18 :

105 German HE : Drag coef = 0.26242

105 German APCBC : Drag coef : 0.29 -> 0.32806

120 mm Coastal Fort Cannon : SAP : splashFallBySquare = True

152 mm D1 Coastal Fort Cannon : SAPBC Flat Nose : splashFallBySquare = True

New vehicles of

D.XXI-3 (FIN) 

Fw 190 A-5/U14 

Fargo (CL-106) 

New weapons: 

K/PZS01 targeting pod 

TS250 guided bomb 

LS500J guided bomb

「蓝小沂KiKi」静谧的哈桑 COS #fgo
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